Monday, October 27, 2014

Gun Control (Gone to far)


  •   The Second Amendment of  the US constitution grants the right to fellow Americans to bear arms and this right SHALL NOT be infringed.

  •  If a murderer does not have a gun, but wants to kill others, he will find something to complete his task, whether it’s a pencil, a car, a knife, or whatever. We are trying to stop evil in this world that we cannot prevent.
    •  Studies have shown that areas where guns have been outlawed, Neighborhood burglaries INCREASED! 
      •  WE CANNOT rely on the police to deter a crime most of the time because remember: The police arrive after a crime has been committed. 

"Banning guns will favor criminals by taking advantage of innocent victims"

Guns Don't Kill People, People do:

   Once upon a time there was a man that set his loaded gun on his front porch railing aiming towards the sidewalk, where a school bus dropped off a load of kids at around 3:00 PM. So the man walked away and came back after the kids had walked by and nobody was hurt. "Nobody was hurt due to the fact that the OPERATOR wasn't there to pull the trigger.

Firearm Safety:

People MUST practice safety with firearms weather they own one or not. No matter what ALWAYS treat a gun as if it's lock loaded and ready to go.

When using or storing a gun, always follow these NRA rules:

    • Know your target and what is beyond, never fire in an area where there may be people.

    (Try shooting down at a slight angle or shooting into a pit of some sort)

    • Learn about the gun before handling it, Know where certain features are for example the safety, clip ejector and how to rack the slide or eject the cylinder, weather it be a semi auto, or revolver. MOST IMPORTANTLY.. know when the gun is unloaded and how to unload it BUT always treat the gun as if its loaded

    •  Make sure the gun is safe to operate by doing regular cleaning and re-assembling the slide properly, because a slide will pop off, yes its happened before.

    •  Wear eye and hearing protection because most guns depending on the cartridge shoot a flame and are obnoxiously loud

    •  Never use alcohol or over-the-counter, prescription or other drugs before or while shooting

    STORE YOUR FIREARM IN A SAFE LOCKED PLACE- Today it is easy to keep a gun from shooting because it is a law that every single gun distributor must provide a lock of some sort.. Usually it is a chamber lock of some sort which simply will not allow the gun slide to close and function.

    • This is the cheapest way to lock your firearm up but.. It is definitely a major recommendation to invest in a safe of some sort and mount it, with doing this, this will ensure the safety of yourself and family perhaps because it is best to have guns out of site out of mind

:Shout out to RUGER Firearms:

  • RUGER firearms if you didn't know is a firearm a distributor that is really big on safety.

  • So if you're looking to carry a gun for self-protection or home protection for your family consisting of young children look no further than a Ruger firearm.

:Some of the safety features consist of:

  • Basic Thumb Safety

    •  Ruger has a patent on the loaded chamber indicator- As show in the image above this is a small part on top of the Ruger SR9C slide that pops up when there is a round in the chamber. and it is hard to miss due to the dramatic red color

  • Slide Disconnect on certain firearms- This will not allow the gun to fire if the clip is ejected

"The Most Important Safety is between your ears"

-Domenic Sparacino

 It's a Hobby:

  • Many people target shoot as a hobby. 

    • Why take that away from them?

    • Of course it's an important thing to keep illegal guns off the street

      •  BUT New York State is going after the wrong people, People who have a hobby and perhaps a family to ensure the safety of 

        and or

        • Somebody who works in a bad neighborhood or has to cross paths with different kinds of people everyday

    • Why take their right to bear arms away from them?